Monday, December 5, 2011

Only 19 more days until Christmas!

Today, in our lovely little quaint village of Jefferson, Ohio, it was raining when I woke up this morning and it's still raining  14 hours later. Oh, how I wished that it would turn to snow. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
The topic today amongst all of the villagers that I came across was the weather and Christmas! So, of course I reminded people that we only have 19 more days left until Christmas eve! I think I reminded that gem so many times today that the pressure of my countdown started to get to me. But, then I took a deep breath and thought to myself that I have 19 more days to bake, bake, bake my behind off. Plenty of time! So, with that said, I will posting the start of my Christmas baking adventure in the next few days.

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